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Publishing content works via the workflow individually defined for each project.

Basic Principles

All content follows the following principles


The workflow determines how content is moved from creation to publication. Moving statuses is how the content moves through the environments.

Screenshot of display of statuses and environments and how they interact Screenshot of display of statuses and environments and how they interact

As the content moves threw the statuses defined it will be deployed to the environment associated with the status.

In the example provided in the screenshot the workflow has 4 statuses:

Draft > Review > Approved > Published

The content is deployed to the test environment when content is moved to Review and to the production environment when moved to Published.

Moving content through statuses

All content except for media (pictures and files) works its way through the statuses. At the top of the screen, is an information section that displays:

Screenshot of status information at the top of a piece of content Screenshot of status information at the top of a piece of content
Statuses and Transitions

The tabs display the statuses available for the content. By clicking each tab, you can see exactly what content is in each status and therefore its associated environment.

To move content to the next status, click the transition button.

If there is new content that needs to be moved through the workflow, the page will be marked as Dirty.

Moving multiple items to the next status

In the table view for the page or collection, select the items you want to transition using the checkboxes and click the transition button at the top of the page.

Elements that have changes to be transitioned have a red circle in the dirty column of the table.

Table with checkmarks selected for items that are dirty (have a dot in the dirty column) to be transitioned. Table with checkmarks selected for items that are dirty (have a dot in the dirty column) to be transitioned.
Bulk Transitioning Via Content Tables

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